
Live like no one else so you can live like no one else. - Dave Ramsey

Friday 23 June 2023

Budgeting Relapse* It's Real!

You did a total self assessment. Told yourself the truth; the truth that you weren't handling your life matters right, especially with regards to your finances. Your personal finances, the finances of your business(es), your job, your attitude to these as well and much more stinks real bad. On top of all of these, you are eye brow deep into debts and barely breathing. 

Tuesday 24 May 2022

You Can Never Win With Money Playing Kissy Face With Debt

Have you thought of the world of possibilities open to you if you own every penny you earn from your job or/and business? I mean, think about this, you have available to you every penny that hits your account as your take home pay or business yield.

Friday 5 June 2020

Naira And Kobo? Where Is Our Kobo-And Some Of Our Nairas?!

As a growing child, even as young as six years of age, I remember that at school and in local shops, there were items sold for five kobo (5k), twenty kobo (20k), twenty-five kobo (25k), one naira (N1), three naira (N3), two naira ten kobo (N2.10k) and so on. It was a common sight to see both the old and the young in possession of coins and naira notes.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Valentine's Day Sinking Fund Anybody?!

The season of love is floating strongly through the air. 

We know, we know. There is the need to give out gifts, take loved ones out to dinner, you know do something really special as an expression of love and that is all understood and fair. These things should be done but did you make a plan for it ahead of time? Something like a sinking fund, maybe? Otherwise don't tell me that the inevitable expenses will be coming right out of your savings or upkeep for the month!

Monday 11 February 2019

Stick To A Plan!

So! It is 2019 and you are probably wondering where all the year end heat of the moment that you saw towards the end of  2018, went. Now so that we do not let ourselves be carried away by the new year excitement as well (hmm... there almost always seems to be one form of excitement or the other), bear in mind that before the year goes any farther, you need to pause in your tracks and do a self check before the year goes any farther. First off, have you already taken stock of your journey through 2018? I mean really reviewed your 2018?

Monday 21 January 2019

Plan The Dive * Dive The Plan

I once heard a professional scuba diver mention a common saying among scuber divers; 'Plan the dive, dive the plan'! Everything in live requires some form of planning in order for things to work out to the extent of some form of an expected outcome. So many of us often times act out activities without putting proper thought into what sequence is required to such actions, and as a result, we find ourselves working very hard to achieve nothing.
I so want this new year to be very different for me and I assume that you want the same thing for your self.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Personal Or Family Finance Control Systems

 A simple way to summarize the personal finance control system is as follows:
  • The Envelope system - placing the budgeted amount from a paycheck into actual cash envelopes
  • Checkbook register system - tracking expenses and finance activities in a checkbook register categorized into spending plans
  • Electronic spending plan system

I decided to do this break down so that when I go into my apps and spreadsheets discuss, you do not get confused wondering what the point of it all is. If per adventure you find yourself puzzled, just cast a quick glance at the summary above to get you on track.

Monday 29 October 2018

Debt Freedom Milestone Thermometer

Living life in debts is not an acceptable lifestyle no matter what banks and credit institutions say. It is also very difficult to ignore their enticing promises of what you stand to gain by purchasing their debt products especially when you have unsolved financial challenges starring you straight in the face. 

This is avoidable no matter what point your are at right now. It may not look possible at the point where you might presently be at financially but it really is do-able, I promise you. 

Thursday 20 September 2018

New You, New Habits * Don't Live Another Day Without A Budget!

Budget, budget, budget! One word that sounds so serious, that I don't care for and probably never really need in my life ... or do I?

Yes, yes you do. Everyone needs a B-U-D-G-E-T! Old or young, rich, not so rich and ..... ehem ... the poor? Well I hesitated there because come to think of it, you actually become poor without a budget. Oh yes. It doesn't matter how huge or small your income is, your social status or rating, popularity or lack of it thereof, you can become poor on a huge income without a budget.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Brain Dumping

Having a lot of things battling for space in your thoughts can be very confusing to the extent that you have a lot of ideas of what you need done but just can't pinpoint which to begin with. There are people who have a habit of springing up new ideas almost on a moment by moment basis i.e. before one idea can completely form in their head, another is already forming. Now if people with this tendency do not pull a handle somehow on their thinking process, they can end up in a jumbled up mess viz a viz frustrating confusion.